Saturday, April 15, 2006

Tomorrow is Easter!!

So tomorrow is EASTER!!! Today is a busy day. I have a ton of stuff I need to do.
1. Clean our house

2. Clear memory card in camera so I can take pics tomorrow

3. Make cookies with the girls

4. possibly go to in-laws house to visit since they just got back from their trip

5. Get the girls Easter baskets ready

6. Hang up their dresses ready to go for tomorrow

I have a lot to do. I don't know if I will get to it all but most of it HAS to be done today. I love Easter. It is a beautiful time of year. The kids have a fabulous time hunting down eggs hidden by the Easter bunny and opening their baskets. Plus it is always another opportunity for some fabulous pictures. Yep that's right. It's all about the pictures for me:) I'm only about 500 pics behind in my scrapping so why not add some more? I really need to find the time to sit down and scrap until I fall over. Well gotta go. Too much to be done. Good luck to everyone else out there trying to do a billion things in preparation for tomorrow.

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