Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Today I am feeling better about a lot of things. I got a lot of stuff done in the house today. My father-in-law said that mother-in-laws tests are looking a lot better:) And hubby and I have made a decision on the job offer. We decided to go for it. Tomorrow he is doing his drug test and then he is officially hired. He has been waiting to be officially hired before he gives his current employer his full 2 week notice. I am excited but scared at the same time. The money scares me. I know that sounds stupid but it does. This is going to be great for us and I know that. This is just the next chapter in our lives and I know it is going to be a good one. :)

I got my scrap space done last night too. I am really happy with all of the changes I made. I cleaned out a lot and really condensed everything down. My mom has some new stuff coming her way now too. As promised I have posted pics.

My doctor's appt. is tomorrow. I am actually excited. I want to hear from him when he is planning on inducing me( we already both agreed on induction at some point). I will probably update in a few days since we have quite a bit going on the next few days. Wish me luck tomorrow:)

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Glad things are looking better for your MIL. Cute scrap space, I wish mine was half as organized as you are! Good luck @ your doctors appt tomorrow! :)