Wednesday, August 30, 2006

It's not gonna happen

I am going to be pregnant forever. My doc had originally told me he would induce me next week but now he is saying the week after next. I left in tears. I know I have more time to get things together but still. It doesn't make me feel any better. On a brighter note I filled out my paperwork for my tubal 6 weeks postpartum. That is a big relief to have it all done and to know it is really going to happen.

I'm gonna take a blog break for a few days. I have a lot to do and I want to try to limit my internet for a while again. Have a good week all:)

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Oh no, sorry your OB changed his mind about the induction. Don't they understand how mean it is to tell a pregnant woman she's definitely getting that baby out & then not do it! Well at least you'll have some extra time to prepare & maybe things will happen on their own :)