Sunday, September 09, 2007

High Hopes

I have high hopes for today. I had them for yesterday too right up until the moment my tire blew out on a quick trip to the grocery store. So today I am hoping to make up for the crappy day yesterday turned out to be. I need to finish re-organizing my scrapping area. I am also moving my son into the kids room today. He has had a crib all decorated and pretty in that room since the day he came home and he has only slept in it a few times over night. He really enjoys it during the day when he is playing or napping but it is time to move him permanently. He has always slept in our room in his playpen. So today is the day!!!

The only issue that worries me is that his sisters never leave him alone because they love him so much. They have been known to crawl into his crib to play with him. It is time to lay down the law. Wish me luck with that.

Nothing else to report this morning. If I get my scrap area finished I will post pics sometime soon.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

hi Im so glad youre blogging again! I was a lerker last year and was sad to see you were no longer blogging! welcome back!