Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Baby Steps Towards Simplicity

Do you remember my plan to simplify? Well lately I have been struggling with it. I have always been great at decorating. I have always loved color and cozy feeling homes. If I walk through a home that does not have a lot of decor I feel like it is missing something. It just doesn't have that cozy feel. So over the past 5.5 years I have aquired a LOT of stuff. My problem is parting with it even if I just box it up for when we get a bigger home(eventually). Well today I made a decision. I have an obsession with tins and canisters. My kitchen is very small and it gets overwhelming when I am trying to get dinner prepped and ready. So today I took away the cookie jar and 4 metal decorative tins on my counter. I am going to use the tins to hold more scrapbook supplies.

I didn't do this before because I thought it would look cold. It doesn't and I am loving that I have SO much more space now to prep dinner and get it on the plates. Plus now when I bring home groceries I will not have to set the bags on the stove to put them away. How did I not catch on to this sooner? Of course I still have a bunch of canisters on top of my fridge but they are organized and hold stuff giving me extra storage. Getting rid of the ones on the counter will also benefit us because we tend to use them as a dumping ground when we don't know what else to do with little odds and ends. So today is filled with progress for me. I am really trying to declutter and simplify. And you know what? It is getting easier and easier.

In an hour or so I am taking the girls to the inlaws to visit. My mother-in-law just got back from spending a month overseas visiting family and she has really missed them. Hubby is off today and can watch the baby so it worked out great. She said I can leave the girls with them and go grocery shopping by myself. YEAH!! A little free time. The house is still looking pretty good so I have no problem being gone for the day. In fact I really NEED this break. I need to get out for longer than 30 minutes.

Happy Wednesday everyone!!


toners said...

Great job!!! Enjoy your break :)

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

I love it when my countertops are free of just makes me feel better! I love the look!

Sarah Coggins said...

Glad you are getting a well needed break! Enjoy it! And, WTG on decluttering in the kitchen. :)

Stacia Howard said...

Doesn't it feel soooooo good?? =)

Linda said...

For me the hardest part about decluttering is getting started but once I do I am happy with the end results. Good luck and I hope you enjoyed your break at the store.

Ariana Sullivan said...

I grew up with an ultra decorated home. My mom was into the "cozy" look as well. Meaning- lots of stuff, pretty stuff, but a lot of it.

I was that way at first and over the last 3 years went the opposite direction because I got overwhelmed with all the *stuff*.

I love the counter, it looks spacious in the photo. And I love that water fountain thing.

Antonia said...

You didn't think of this sooner because you are a weirdo! LOL :)

A bunch of the stuff you have in your apartment is because of your MIL.. better ask her to not send anymore stuff home with you anymore.. :)