Friday, October 03, 2008

Christmas surprise a little early!

The point of this photo isn't to show the little Halloween collage I made and framed the other night. It isn't to show my little Fall sign. It IS to show something that isn't there yet. Does that make sense to you? let me explain. My mother-in-law hates hiding surprises from me. The other night I was over there and she said that she just had to show me my Christmas gift but that I wasn't allowed to take it home until after Thanksgiving. So she brought me into her garage and pointed to a shelf.

When I opened my eyes and saw what was mine I literally screamed!
There on the shelf was a beautiful white Kitchen Aid mixer!! Yes that's right. It isn't brand new because she bought it off a friend who lost almost everything in the hurricane and just didn't want it anymore. It works perfectly and looks great AND it comes with several attachments that are normally pretty expensive to buy separately. I am beyond thrilled. She knows how long I have been wanting one. She loves hers and knew how much I would love one myself. So pretty soon my Kitchen Aid mixer will be sitting where you now see the red colander and my spatula holder. I have been doing cartwheels for a week!

I am so lucky to have a mother-in-law who knows me so well. She is even going to show me how to use it. I can't wait until Christmas.


Beka said...

LOL at seeing it so early!! You are gonna love it! I love mine, I just don't use it enough. But I plan on starting, so we will have to share recipes we make using it!!!

Antonia said...

LOL! Crazy!! I know you will put it to good use!

Beth R. said...

I have a red one and I LOVE it! Nobody but nobody is allowed to use it (I'm weird like that).


Stacia Howard said...

YAY! lol Im happy for you! Nothing like getting something you REALLY want! So glad you have great in-laws!

Stacia Howard said...

BTW, the collage you made is super cute!!

Maria said...

Oh that is so cool!!! I have the red kitchen aid mixer and I LOVE it! I don't use it nearly as much as I should! ha! But when I do, I fall in love with it each time. The clean up on those things is a breeze too! Yay for you!!! :-)