Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Day

Today we took the kids to the pumpkin patch. I got some pretty cute pictures. I am exhausted so hopefully tomorrow I will get to posting some more pics from our day. We have a pretty full week ahead of us so I might not be posting very much. I will do my best though. Thursday we are going to the Children's Museum Halloween event and then Saturday is our Halloween party.

This is probably my favorite photo from today. I can't believe all 3 of them sat down and cooperated.

I love fall outings with the family. They are such great memories to scrapbook.


Sarah Coggins said...

Wonderful photo! Looks like a beautiful day to visit the pumpkin patch. :)

Stacia Howard said...

OMG! April, that photo is precious!! Look how cute they are!!

Antonia said...

Cute picture! :) Hope ya had fun!

I want to take Alyssa to the CM soo bad :(