Thursday, June 11, 2009

There is so much that I want to share. Our tomatoes are growing like crazy and Macie is enjoying every single one of them. We went swimming for the first time this summer yesterday. There are a ton of fun things planned for the next couple of weeks. Unfortunately we still don't have our internet and I can't upload pics where I am so I don't have anything visually exciting I can show you. I do have a ton of photos waiting to be shared though. I hope all of you are doing well. We sure are and I can't wait to share it all with you.


Candy Hart said...

Welcome back - almost! Sounds like your summer is going great so far!! Hurry back!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Summer and many fun things to do with them!

Stacia Howard said...

I am starting to get super antsy waiting on you to get back in the swing of things. ;)

Antonia said...

Summer sucks, but it is fun going swimming with ya!