Monday, July 20, 2009

The last few weeks I considered shutting down my little blog. After a lot of thought I decided there is NO way I am going to do that. I love my blog. We have been dealing with so much. My father-in-law had a stroke and thankfully is fine with no long lasting effects. There has been a ton of family drama and stuff I am not even going to begin to get into. So getting our internet back has not been a top priority. Don't give up on me. I miss all of you and I will be back in full force as soon as life settles down again.


linda said...

I have missed seeing you around and was beginning to get worried about you.. Glad to hear that your FIL is going to be okay.. Things have been really really hectic around our place as well.. Look forward to reading your updates

Candy Hart said...

Welcome back - for now!! I hope all your family dramas all get resolved, those are the worst!!

You cant shut down your blog - how else will you keep your sanity during all this stuff?!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

I will be here waiting for your return!