Sunday, January 24, 2010

Playing Hurricane

I want to take a minute and thank all of you who commented on my last post. You guys really helped me feel better. I am not going to be quiting anytime soon. Thank you lurkers who came forward. You put a smile on my face as did everyone who posted. :)

On Friday I had a really weird day. I was nervous and my chest hurt all day long. Every little thing made me jump and I was not at all feeling like myself. I am happy to report that after a good nights sleep ( with the help of some super strong meds because I was really freaking out) I felt better the next day.

I have so much that I want to post but not much time. I spent the ENTIRE day today organizing the kids room/closet. I took pics and will be working on that post for this week. I also took lots of pics of my girls playing today. The boy is spending the night at my mom's so I got to spend time with my girls. I came into their room and found them playing with their dollhouse.

All of their dolls looked so cute in the house together. I couldn't stop laughing when they told me " Mommy we are playing hurricane." See how all of them are hunkered down together in the house? LOL. My kids crack me up.

Oh and before I forget...I wanted to say that some scrapbook related stuff is coming soon as well. I am jumping back into my love for it and will be posting about it soon. :)


Antonia said...

What was wrong with you?? Wait.. nevermind.. there is something always wrong with you. lol.. But I can say that about myself too.

Your kids have quite the imagination!

linda said...

Have a wonderful Monday