Wednesday, June 14, 2006

And it continues

DD has been on antibiotics for over a week now. She has been just fine. Now last night and this morning she is coughing like crazy. I have given her some cough medicine but I am fearing yet another trip to the doc. Just our luck.

Why does summer have to be so freaking hot? By the time we get the girls in the car to go somewhere we are sweating so much that all we want to do is go back inside and take a nap. This seriously sucks. I sure could use a trip to Alaska right about now. I really need to find some indoor activities that we can all do without melting.

Today I really need to scrap. I have missed it and I am about to lose my mind without my creative outlet. I WILL SCRAP TODAY!!!! That is my goal.

1 comment:

sue @ postcards from paradise falls said...

blech. summer.
