Sunday, July 09, 2006

Another trip to the doc

Well it looks like we will be making another trip to the doc tomorrow. My already peanut allergic daughter is having some kind of small reaction around her chin and the bottom of her mouth. We cannot figure out what it is. I think this might be the final straw for staying away from allergy testing. We just have to wait and see.

On a happier note we are going to be taking portraits soon. My best friend is this insanely talented photographer and she takes annual pics of us. I end up with all these fabulous pics and this year she is bringing all of her backdrops and stuff to us so we don't have to get out in the heat at the arboretum. I am totally excited.

1 comment:

Greta Adams said...

if i may ask...does she eat red meat...i ask because the same thing happen to my nephew and he is allergic to red meat. i forgot what the actual name for it is though. he does the same thing you are talking about but certain cuts of steaks tend to make him swell up real bad too