Thursday, August 17, 2006

Project Day

I have decided that today is going to be project day for me. Yesterday I had a doc appt. and the nurse told me that if I was dilating when they check me next week that he would more than likely schedule me for an induction. Well when I went to the hospital over a month ago they told me I had already started so hopefully I am on my way to being induced sooner than we thought:) So needless to say I have a LOT of stuff I need to get done.

Today I am turning an old spice rack into an embellishment rack. The spices are really old and I don't normally cook with regular spices anyway so once I clean it out thoroughly it is going to my scrap space. I will post pics later once it is finished. I also have to clean, clean, clean. There is so much to get done and I know I might not have as much time as I thought I did to complete everything.

We talked a long time last night about the job thing. I think we are leaning towards going for it. Hubby hates his job now and we know he is not going to like this one either but he said he would rather be miserable at a job where we would be making GREAT money versus good money. Still not completely sure yet though.

I will probably post some pics of completed stuff later this evening.

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