Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Lately the boy has really taken to participating in pretend play with his big sisters. His favorite thing to do is crawl on the floor and whisper " Ga Ga. Ga Ga." This alerts everyone in the room that he is pretending to be a baby.

But the thing is...If he is old enough to pretend he is a baby then he isn't really one. So every time I see this my heart breaks a little more. My baby boy isn't a baby anymore. He just likes to pretend to be one.


Antonia said...

Cute! And no mam, he is not a baby anymore, but he will always be your baby!

Maria said...


Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Ah yes, he is growing up!

Carrie said...

Awwwww Momma, they grow up SO quickly, don't they? Sure is a cutie. :)