Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Christmas tree is up!

Last night we put up our Christmas tree. The kids were beyond excited and could not wait. They kept running to the Christmas container and grabbing stuff before I was even ready. All 3 of them put the ornaments on. I got a few pics and then my camera batteries died completely.

I took a pic of their "Baby's First Christmas" ornaments this year and a few pics of our other favorite ornaments. The house looked so magical last night with all the lights off and just the beautiful glow of the tree. I will take a pic of it just as soon as I get some new batteries. Do you have your tree up yet?


linda said...

Tree looks great, we put up our tree last wednesday night.. We have a tradition where the boys' each get their new ornaments on Thanksgiving morning, so I knew that they would want to put their ornaments on the tree as soon as they got them, and since I was cooking all day Thursday, we put the tree up on Wednesday..

Ariana Rose said...

Yay! I LOVE this time of year. We're doing a handmade Christmas and so I'm even more excited about it! :)

Love that all three have baby's first year ornaments.

Mere said...

Your tree is pretty! We have more décor up than normal for Christmas this year! I love it! We also have a huge tree up but no ornaments :( ornaments are my favorite part because all of ours have memories and aren't just something we bought at the store. :( but we won't be home for christmas anyway so I think I'll survive for THIS year anyway...

Love, Mere

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Fun stuff! I have present wrapped and laying where the tree should be but do not have the tree up yet.

Antonia said...

Cute tree and cute pics of my babies :)