Saturday, December 06, 2008

Just Saturday

Last night we went to the in-laws for dinner. It was really cold so the boy got to wear his big coat for the first time. Of course I had to share a pic. He ran to the corner yelling "Cheese!! Cheese!"

Today I have been pretty productive. I worked in the kids room clearing out toys again for about an hour. Then I picked up in the living room and kitchen. I paid 3 bills, mailed off a payment for an Ebay purchase and did a weeks worth of grocery shopping.Then tonight I am making this for dinner and the kids and I are making these orange white chocolate cookies for dessert. Yummy! Not a bad way to spend a Saturday. I am already exhausted though. Taking 2 kids out grocery shopping to several different places will do that to you.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.


Antonia said...

Cute cute cute pic of Mason!! I miss him :( Him more then you.. haha.. but I still love you! :)

You did get a lot done! You are going to have make a varity of cookies just for me and bring them over!!!

linda said...

I will have to make those cookies.. they sound really really good..