Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Presents and Christmas excitement

I have finally made progress with my gift wrapping. The kids have helped me and the tree is starting to get fuller. I hope to have the kids presents all wrapped and under there by the weekend. I made my to-do list and I don't feel completely overwhelmed. I got a LOT done last night so I am feeling pretty good.

We took Makayla's teacher her gift this morning so that is one more thing I can cross of my list. I will be completely done with my shopping by Friday night. I need some stocking stuffers and a few more gifts. I also made a list of all food items I need to get to make everything for Christmas Eve. I am making triple chip cookies, chocolate covered pretzel sticks and a cherry chocolate cheesecake from an issue of Taste Of Home Simple and Delicious.

I am beyond excited about Christmas. It is my all time favorite holiday. I love being home and seeing the beauty and magic of Christmas. There is nothing quite like it. How is your to-do list coming along?


Mere said...

Well since you asked all my shopping amd wrapping is done EXCEPT my nieces and my nephew. My mom got some ideas from my sister so shopping should be finished in a few days tops! Today is my mom's birthday and tomorrow my mom and I are going to the downtown theatre to see "White Christmas" so tonight and tomorrow are not shopping days. Lol. I also baked homemade brownies from my school besties the other day and they loved them!
Love, Mere

Antonia said...

Good to hear everything is almost done! We took Alyssa's teacher her present today too.

I have to do some socking stuffers and a few more gifts for Alyssa and Joe, then I will be done.. until after Christmas. I still need to find something perfect for a couple of friends!

Maria said...

Way to go! Sounds like you're really getting stuff done :-) Believe it or not, I've got all our gifts wrapped - one or two things to still pick up though. I want to make a bunch of cookies with the girls this weekend and then I think other than that, we're all set. Totally agree with you - all the craziness of this season is just part of the fun!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

To-do-list....non-existant or I would have a heart attack looking at it.