Monday, October 05, 2009

Relaxed and cozy Sunday

We had a very calm and relaxed weekend around here. Yesterday was stormy all day long so I was in a good mood from the moment I woke up. I LOVE stormy weather. I spent the first half of the day going grocery shopping for the week. Then I came home and made chicken quesadillas for lunch. Hubby and I decided to take a late nap so around 3:00 all 5 of us picked our spots and curled up under super comfy blankets. Hubby woke up first and I remember hearing him get off the bed and go into the living room. When he came back in he told me we should get up and that it was 6:00.

That blew bedtime for the kiddos but it was ok. They stayed up watching a movie and I cooked dinner and got everything ready for the morning. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday if you ask me. Cozy at home with my family.

I snapped this pic of the boy last night. I went to check on the kiddos and saw he had fallen asleep holding his new pumpkin book. So sweet.


linda said...

I love lazy Sundays. Very cute picture of your little guy sleeping.

Antonia said...

Sounds like a good day.

Mason look like he was pretending to be asleep.. lol!