Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Soap success!

What do you get when you add a shea butter base, aloe vera concentrate and ground up oatmeal? You get some super powered all natural eczema fighting soap. I made four bars as a test run. They were super easy and Macie loves them. Yeah! I am going to make a ton more soon.

ETA: I am so over winter. I want some warmth. I want my flip flops and my little girls in sleeveless sun dresses. I want to stop being frozen solid. I can't believe I am actually saying this but this cold weather has got to go.


Antonia said...

Dont ever deny cold weather as my friend!!! What is wrong with you?? lol

Congrats with finding something to help Macie!

Sheri said...

would you let us know how that soap works out? was it hard to make? I've never made soap before, but my daughter is having a hard time w her eczema too.

Beka said...

Yes, my niece also has it and this might be good for her, post the receipe and some instructions please!!!

Candy Hart said...

Amen to the cold weather leaving!!! I'm ready to put the bathing suit on and lay by the pool!!

Gina said...

Oh, I so totally want to try making soap. It's on my list of things to learn! And I agree...winter is dead to me.

Maria said...

That's awesome - I love how 'natural' it looks too!