Friday, June 16, 2006

Glucose 101

Today I took my Glucose test. And FAILED. I told the nurse when we started that I was going to because I had Gestational Diabetes with my last one. Sure enough I was right. I woke up feeling sick already and then that stuff almost made me pass out. The up side is that she doesn't think my doc will make me suffer through the 3 hour since I have had it before. Kinda sucks but I'll live.

Today the girls are driving me INSANE!! DD#2 is running around and will not stop screaming or throwing a fit. Then I turn around and my oldest starts in. I swear I am about to pull all of my newly colored hair out. I am 2 seconds away from locking myself in the bathroom.

Tonight I am actually cooking dinner. We are going to have chicken and rice I think. I hate to cook but I am trying to do more of it. It isn't easy training yourself to change your eating/cooking habits. Any suggestions?

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