Sunday, November 25, 2007

Jurassic Park

I can't believe that I am going to admit this but my toddlers love Jurassic Park. They will watch it over and over again if I let them. So yesterday when I ran to Wal-Mart to get them some new warm pj's I came across these and had to get them. They are in the oven now for lunch and my girls are so excited they can hardly contain themselves.

Definitely worth the $5 I paid for them. Did I mention that I can say all of the lines to all 3 of the entire Jurassic Park trilogy without them even being on?


Mere said...
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Sarah Coggins said...

I can't remember the last time I saw one of the Jurassic Park movies. You're a fun mom to buy your kids those dino nuggets. :) BTW, did you find them some pj's?


Anonymous said...

Isn't funny how we can run in to walmart and totally end up with more thing in the cart.. My kids obsesion is Spiderman. Do you know how many things are spiderman in walmart...
I hope you where are least ablt to find the PJS! :)

Antonia said...

Lol.. your kids get overly excited about anything they can eat! haha...