Monday, July 28, 2008

The easy life

Last night the boy kept trying to carry all of his hot wheels in his hands and he kept dropping them and crying. So I found him this plastic container with a handle on it to put them in and he has been carrying them ever since. See how he doesn't even have to put them down while he brushes his teeth. Now that is the life. :)


Ariana Rose said...

That is so cute and it reminds me of my little brother. He did the same thing! He carried a suitcase or bucket or something filled with his favorite toys everywhere. So cute you got a picture of it :)

Antonia said...

LOL! Crazy boy! He is too cute for his own good!

One day when you aren't looking, I'm going to kidnap him..what i'm going to ask for? ALL of your scrapping stuff!! LOL

Stacia Howard said...

Oh how cute! Now, that's the life when your biggest worry is not being able to carry all of your hotwheels! lol So sweet!

Beka said...

Looks like he is loving having those cars with him 24/7. Good job mommy on saving the day and making them more portable!!!

Sarah Coggins said...

Too cute! Did he carry the basket to bed? :)