Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Blogging Award!!

I am so excited!! I have been awarded the Brillante Weblog Award by Lesley! This is my first award I have ever received. Thank you so much Lesley! You are so sweet.

So here are the rules...
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to these blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
The 7 blogs that I am going to recognize are:

1. Suzanne at Creating Post-It Notes. Her recipes are OUTSTANDING!! I haven't tried one that we didn't love. She shows the process step by step too. A must read for anyone who ever cooks.

2. Tricia at The Price is Write. I love this blog because she is so real. She has 3 young kids and takes them to so many neat places. She throws awesome parties and always gives me a ton of inspiration with my kids.

3. Stacia at A True Southern Beall. This girl is such a sweetie. Her blog is a lot of fun and she is a wonderful person. I am so lucky to have her as a blogging buddy.

4. Shawna Taylor at Shawna's Blog. She is such an amazing digital scrapbooker and a super sweet person. Her work is AMAZING and she has 3 kids very close in age to mine so I can really relate to her. Plus she loves the Twilight series as much as I do. :)

5. Antonia at Chasing Butterflies. She is the best person ever. I can't even begin to imagine my life without her.

6. Beka at This is my Reality. Such a great mom and her blog is a lot of fun. She has a passion for scrapbooking and creativity. How could I not love that?

7. Ariana at Motherhood and Stuff. Her blog is set to private but I love reading about her busy life. Her kids are super close in age to mine and her photos are AMAZING!!!!

This was a lot of fun! I have so many blogs I read every single day and this was really hard to narrow it down. I have a big organizing post planned but it is going to have to wait since I needed to get this award one done. Thanks again Lesley!!!:)


Antonia said...

Crackhead! LO>> Congrats on the award! :)

Aww suck up, you are too sweet! haha

It would great to come over next week when I am off again. We are going to have to settle the rides and stuff. I miss you like crazy!

Sarah Coggins said...

Woohoo! Congrats! :)

Dawn said...

Congratulations on the award!

Ariana Rose said...

Thank you! I don't know if I'll get time to do the award thing on my blog, but I really appreciate it, I was having a poopy day and this made me smile :)

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Congrats on the award!

Beka said...

Congratulations to you!!!! I'm proud of you. Thanks for dropping a nomination for me, I sure feel special!! Love ya!