Monday, September 01, 2008

It starts!

It is now September and that means 30 Days of Nothing has started. This is not going to be easy. I have been thinking about what I want to cut back on and came up with a few main things.

1. Less eating out. Instead of always taking the easy way out and ordering food I want to cook for my family more often.

2. Be happy with what I have. I have this problem with always wanting more even though we don't always NEED more.

3. Resist buying non food and non cleaning items.

4. Cut back on the groceries and convience food. The exception will be my daughters school lunch stuff such as juice boxes and bottled water.

5. Spend more time outdoors with my children instead of using gas to take them somewhere.

These are just the main goals. There are smaller things but I will see how far I get. Can I do it? Or will I fail miserably the first week? What do you think?


linda said...

You can do it, it may be hard at first.. However in the long run you will be excited that you did this..

Dawn said...

You can do it! And what a great idea! I may have to try it too!

Sheri said...

no, you totally can do it!!

My biggest tip would be to make a menu for the week/month/etc. before you go to the store.
I bet you'll be surprised by how much stuff you already have to complete those meals, which in turn, will cut down on the amount you spend on groceries!

Antonia said...

Just have strength! I k now you can do it. Just think about your table and how good it will look in your kitchen! Good luck!

fawndear said...

You'll do it.
Our family is playing along too. I'm sure it will be an eye-opening month for my kiddo's.
Good luck!

Maria said...

How exciting - and kind of scary! Our family is definitly going to do this!! I think we'll shoot for '30 Days of Nothing' in October.

Owlhaven said...

So glad you're taking the challenge!


Unknown said...

The 30 Days of Nothing looks neat...I'll have to check it out for the future!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering the book giveaway! Good luck!
